
2023年2月28日—FreeversionvsPro·Needhelp?Wearehere....DoestheProversionallowingalteringof.STLor.STEPfiles?Lookingtoadjustchamfer/fillet ...,Shapr3Disfreeforstudents,teachersandfacultymembersofaccreditededucationalinstitutions.Thelicenseisvalidforoneyear(365days)andcanbe ...,2024年4月30日—Shapr3DPro.Updated2monthsago...Ifyou'reanewuserandwanttotestifShapr3DProisforyou,youcansubscribetothe14-dayf...

Free version vs Pro

2023年2月28日 — Free version vs Pro · Need help? We are here. ... Does the Pro version allowing altering of .STL or .STEP files? Looking to adjust chamfer/fillet ...

Shapr3D Pricing

Shapr3D is free for students, teachers and faculty members of accredited educational institutions. The license is valid for one year (365 days) and can be ...

Shapr3D Pro

2024年4月30日 — Shapr3D Pro. Updated 2 months ago ... If you're a new user and want to test if Shapr3D Pro is for you, you can subscribe to the 14-day free trial.

Shapr3D Pro replaces Standard pricing model, adds ...

2022年3月8日 — Shapr3D Pro replaces Standard pricing model, adds access to the full set of features including drawings and more import/export options.

Shapr3D Pro 繪圖ipad mac 無限制官方繁體中文版a

善用功能超強的頂尖iPad 專用CAD 工具,徹底顛覆3D 建模工作流程。結合簡單易用的行動設計軟體,短短幾分鐘就能依構想勾勒出3D 概念,隨時隨地都能創作,還能匯出可供製造 ...

Shapr3D subscription plans

2023年12月11日 — Shapr3D Basic: This is the free version. · Shapr3D Pro: This is the subscription-based version, recommended for professionals. EDU License: This ...

建模軟體shapr3d 好用嗎?

所以想了解有沒有同業在iPad Pro 上用過這套軟體?體驗如何? 提供小弟做參考這樣 ... 免費試用,完全不用看學校臉色. 基本上比較複雜的功能可能還是要上soliwork,但是 ...